Logic is a Tool… for getting rid of unwanted emotions.

Just a warning, the first few paragraphs of this are mostly me whining about hating how emotional I am. Feel free to skip to the things I think about to make my emotions go away, I’ll give you a hint: I probably watch too much Back to the Future. It starts with “My thoughts on the following:”

If you’ve known me a while, you probably know that I can be unreasonably emotional. What you may not know is that when this happens, my determination to not be emotional mixed with the fact that I’m embarrassed for being such in front of others tends to cause HUGE problems for me. I know I wear my heart on my sleeve but it didn’t scare me so much before.

What tends to make things the worst for me is when I’m trying to be logical and I’m upset over something silly. Because then as a logical person, I’m seeing why I’m upset, acknowledging that I shouldn’t be and then getting upset with myself for being upset about something stupid. Then I realise I’m just making it worse and get even more upset. 

See how this is a problem? 

I apologize to anyone who’s been in close proximity with me when this was an issue. I know I’m being ridiculous and I wish I was better at hiding my emotions. Especially when I know they’re unreasonable. 

Talking to people about why I’m upset then makes things even harder. Last night I had the experience of sobbing uncontrollably because I was so embarrassed by how much I was crying because it didn’t make sense and I couldn’t make sense of it. I was a mess. And I felt absolutely awful. I tried to just go calm down on my own whenever I felt myself losing composure because I didn’t want anyone to have to deal with it. But it didn’t go that well. I was entirely obvious. As to be expected. And I felt terrible about it. 

Anyway, I apologize for all the whining and things you probably weren’t that interested in. I’ll move on to something more interesting. 

My thoughts on the following:

Time travel! If I could successfully unlock the secret to time travel, what would this mean? Well first off, it would mean that I am super bad ass and you’re all in awe of my awesomeness. But realistically speaking, it would be terribly complicated. Not only the invention itself but the moral standards to which one would have to be held. Time travel is very delicate. There may have to be some sort of communication that works through different time streams. The person chosen would have to be very very very very very mentally stable. They would have to pass some sort of personalty/IQ test that would give us an indication that they’re a trustworthy person to send. Because of the knowledge one would have going into the past or gain going into the future, it’s imperative that this person is held to VERY high moral standards. 

Which brings us to our next thing, they would have to be limited. To like…. 1 or 2. For the sake of regulation. And they would need to be under high security. 

Next thought: Flying cars. Now… hover cars COULD be done through magnetism. If the roads are magnetized and the car “Wheels” are magnetized such that when one is driving, it’s of the same charge as the road and when parking they’d be opposite. The problem this creates: Magnets, being the powerful forces they are, could interfere with electricity, credit cards, and compasses. It would keep people from wearing stupid jewelry though. I approve of that plan. 

Or there could be some sort of air forcing the vehicle to hover. Passing under/over cars would be problematic. They also wouldn’t be allowed to fly as high as planes. There may also have to be some sort of sensor or the car would have to be set for different weights in order to make sure it hovers at the right height. 

I’m a little tired now so I am going to take a nap. 

Faire thee well!

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